Owner Managed Restoration and Maintenance Training Program Services
OMRTP Training Services, and Storage Rates
Daily Shop Reservation is billed Per Vehicle for Teaching and Training, single-space project and installation work during business hours (9am-5pm) - additional hours are billed at overtime rate when applicable. Specify Date and AM or PM time slot for Shop Reservation - Includes 30Min of Orientation/Service/Training Support Time. Rates are for reserved active project training days - please contact us about schedule openings
Daily Storage Rate Per vehicle for reserved non-working project indoor storage days - please contact us to see about schedule openings
Overnight Storage Rate Per vehicle for non-reserved one-day OMRTP projects which are not completed in the single reserved day - storage is for overnight and includes additional shop day or non-OMRTP shop hours to complete project.
Hourly Rate for Teaching and Training Project Assistance
DO IT WITH US - OMRTP Project Training - Rates are for hourly training and assistance during reserved active project training days - please contact us to discuss your project goals and schedule openings. Active OMRTP time is billed in 1-hour blocks ($100 Hourly Rate)
DO IT FOR ME - Please see DNW Project Services for our full service shop - including Restorations, Maintenance & Repair, Specialty & Contracted Services, Vehicle Acquisition & Importation, and Evaluation Services - billed in 30 minute blocks ($100 per block)
Services available include but are not limited to:
- Accessory and upgrade installation assistance
- Mechanical assistance - Diagnosis, Repair, Maintenance, Upgrades
- Electrical Fault Finding assistance, Repair, Maintenance, Installations
- Paint and body repair and restoration assistance
- Use specific project solutions, design, and custom parts fabrication assistance
- Major Restoration Services assistance - Chassis replacement, Chassis repair, Bulkhead Replacement, Refurbishment
- Body/cabin configuration conversions assistance
- Engine conversions assistance - repair - replacement
- Vehicle Consignment selling services
ALL Project/Labor rates are NOT inclusive of Materials, Supplies, Storage, Disposal fees, and Consumables - these are billed as required on projects